Understanding of Nature

When I was roaming around the day before yesterday, I observed the dark skies, the beauty of stars the shining moon which is constantly looking at me under the clouds. That time I wondered how beautiful our nature is, seems like that cloudy sky wants to say something, and then its just breezes like rivers. Did you ever think about our beautiful nature? Have you ever observed nature by getting so closed?

Its obvious like the understanding nature is the thing that the human couldn't do well because this Era is all about to think about ourselves, not About nature. When you looking up the skies and earth and feels like how unique our planet is, how could it be so natural? Plants and trees are growing by their selves, rain keeps touching our faces, how could that different types of creatures been made? clouds touched the peaks of mountains seems like they are falling in love. Ever wondered how would be it like? Our nature is something no one could understand but they could appreciate, Earth is the only planet where we are Lucky to see that Beauty of the Universe, there are so many planets out there but we are the lucky ones who have had a chance to live on earth. But unfortunately, human activities do impact our nature in a very wide range, there are so many examples through which our nature is about to destroy day by day, humans had a very high impact on earth due to that our earth is continuously losing her Beauty. 

Humans impact on the earth-

Humans are remarkable creatures on earth even in Universe, they have done so many activities and had discovered so many things on earth including our nature's mystery because our nature is mysterious it has so many mysteries inside it. But with the increasing time, human thinking and technology are also developed, they have started the things which are opposing the nature and had a wide range of bad effects on earth globally. Due to increasing technology and mind, humans are not aware of what they are doing and how much has been lost of the earth, they have no idea how many sources they have destroyed to develop. Over time, they realized how bad something has gone and done damage to the earth.
Humans made plastic that damaged our environment, made bombs that could damage the Earth's environment. They have unbalanced our Nature by continuously cutting trees. Environmental problems such as the ozone hole and break up the ice shields in Antarctica. The balance of seas is disturbed, aquatic life is endangered, and many more such like that. In this way, mankind – the superior creatures on Earth – damaged the Earth in pursuit of technological development. 

As we all have heard, it’s better late than never. Even if the loss is not totally reversible, but still mankind is working on eco-friendly and recyclable products to reduce the damage done to Earth and its resources which include different habitats and living organisms living in them.

Deforestation, Non-biodegradable waste, Air Pollution etc. are one of the things that are not only affecting Earth, but also the life living on it. To reduce the loss, there are various researches going on and in this article we will consider biodegradable waste, and agriculture.

.              Human impacts on eco-system,
                      Image Source- @google
In various places, people are using biodegradable shopping bags instead of those plastic bags, so this could help in reducing the non-biodegradable waste which not only affects our potable water, but also the aquatic life living in seas, and oceans. 
.                       Image Source- - google
In the agriculture sector, new inventions like hydroponics, are providing a solution to the infertile soil problem. In soilless agriculture, we use hydroponics – which already have the necessary nutrients etc. to help plants grow – as an alternative to the traditional methodology which used fertile soil. 

So, mankind says not to deteriorate the oceans and seas further, but what about the garbage that is already there in seas and oceans? Well. There is something interesting to take care of that things as well. In the past few years, various researches has been done to take care of deforestation and ocean garbage. So, making building bricks from those ocean plastic waste will not only reduce the garbage in oceans, but also will reduce air pollution that is done during traditional brick-making process. 

In conclusion, mankind did damage the Earth in its race towards technological innovation, but now is the time to take care of its home, as it is not only limited to humans, but also other living organisms. 

                     Image Source- google

Article by- kirti tomar


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