Artificial Intelligence in Present Era

This Blog is for all pioneers who did and doing fascinating work in the field of A.I. which is useful for all humankind.    
 What is A. I?                 
                  A.I is a branch of Computer Science which deals with the Simulation of Intelligent behavior in Computers.  
        A.I is teaching the machine and machines becoming smart. Intelligence used to be the province of only humans, but that's not it now because we don't program the A. I machines they learn by themselves. Each time we create a more powerful technology, we create a bigger lever for changing the world.
  Some so many innovators are pushing the boundaries of A. I and their groundbreaking work are profoundly e impacting our lives and the world around us. in this blog, we are going to see one of the innovators who are doing a great job in the field of A.I.
     Dr. Mark Sagar is the CEO and founder of Soul Machines. He is one of the great men in the field of A.I.
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Dr. Mark Sagar - CEO, Soul Machines,
Auckland, New Zealand.

         Mark Sagar helped in creating King Kong for Peter Jackson, and the Navi characters in Avatar for James Cameron. Sagar holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Auckland and was a postdoctoral fellow at M.I.T. He was Awarded Scientific and Engineering Oscars in 2010 and 2011 for his pioneering work in computer-generated faces.
 There is a misconception that there are super intelligence or generalized A. I that can do all, knows all and they are smarter than all of us humans. A. I is built by humans and it is mimicking our thought processes. It is basically an emulation of us.  
      Sagar is humanizing the interface between people and machines so that we might better cooperate with them in the future. His team is developing autonomously animated virtual humans (avatar) with virtual brains and nervous systems, capable of highly expressive face to face interaction and real-time learning.  
      The rise and progression of Artificial Intelligence technologies will soon allow each of us the opportunity to have a personal trainer or virtual assistant. These AI personalities will be able to learn in real-time, show emotion, and speak in natural languages–ultimately making them indistinguishable from their human counterparts. Soul Machines’s latest project is Baby X and the unlimited potential of character-driven narratives.

Project Baby X:-  
Baby x is a life-like simulation of a toddler. baby X is about exploring the nature of how would we build a digital consciousness. For this, he is working on his own baby child. He is simulating his baby with a digital brain. This digital brain is driven by a neural network. The neural network is a virtual much simpler version of human brains. Instead of neurons, it got nodes. The more the nodes the more they learn.
Baby X is based on and informed by significant research in key fields that have been integrated into a cohesive research and development effort. 
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These include:
Advanced CGI
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
Cognitive Science
Developmental Psychology
Cognitive Linguistics
Affective Computing
Object Recognition A.I  
Together they enable BabyX to manifest and apply various models of the brain to enable scaled interactions and responses, creating a bridge to the human world.
     BabyX has her own Digital Brain which is based on the human brain, enabling her to sense, learn, adapt, and communicate interactively in a simple way that feels alive and engaging. The Digital Brain autonomously animates BabyX in real-time, creating a natural interaction between human and machine.
  Baby x uses a type of A. I called object recognition. Basically, it's how a computer sees or how it identifies an object and tells the difference between the objects. like baby X project then need to learn from scratch by scanning an enormous amount of data so that they can make patterns by learning the data and can tell or identify the objects. 
He is working on Affective Computing. Affective computing is a type of AI that interprets and simulates human emotion. He wants to build an avatar by using A. I can interact with humans, which understand human emotions. we have seen a lot of A. I machine up to now but he wants to make a difference between them by making A. I avatar which can understand human emotions and can talk with them like humans do. He wants to make A. I aides for older people so that those people will be cared for by their or another A. I Avatar.
“As BabyX will be engaged in the creative loop ‘her’ own painting evolves. We are exploring serendipity, playfulness, and the very issue of creativity. Can we make a computer which can do that? And if we can, then working with a digital person can make them an artistic collaborator to help us create things we have never imagined.”
                  – Dr. Mark Sagar, Co-Founder, Soul Machines
 The experts go on to develop an avatar for Will. I.Am, a founder of the Black Eyed Peas, is impressed by the creation and muses that it should remain a little robotic so as not to confuse his mother. he thinks that it would be better for all humans to have their own avatars so that they can do a lot of work like now we are wasting a lot of times or giving a lot of times on social media and other things so in future our avatars will do that work for us and we can focus on other things. We can program our Avatar to do the work that we want to do them. 
 We can use such technology in a lot of areas. For example, in call centers, we can use our avatars instead of humans. We can train avatars so that they can interact with humans like us. They can talk like humans so if someone has any problem then they can talk with avatars and the avatar will solve their problem. 
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Knowing more about him watch Youtube Originals Series- The Age Of A.I. A.I

The people like Mark Sagar is doing great work in A. I field which implemented as very useful for all humankind. In the future, we can able to do great things with this technology and can able to make new technologies with the use of old ones. he is an Inspiration for all people who like A. I and wants to do a great thing in this field.

Article by- Vinod Dinesh


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