
Scientists finally achieved *superconductivity* at *15 degrees celsius* temperature, which will revolutionize the world, change the way as we see the world today

They have broken the previous record of *-23 degrees C*
*Superconductors* are of immense importance, which could help us in *MagLev, power grids, telecommunication, medical imaging, drug analysis*, and much more!

The only problem here is the _low temperature_ at which *superconductivity* can occur, which has been overcome!

Basic criteria for a good superconductor is - *Stong Bonds and lightweight metals*

Hydrogen has been already metalised under extreme pressure, and it forms the strong bonds due to the smallest atomic radii!

Superconductivity was discovered by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes!

This is a really big achievement that superconductivity occurred at *room temperature*!

Superconductivity refers to the property of materials in which they carry current with O resistance( this doesn't mean that the electrons don't move at all, they do move, but they possess a really low kinetic energy, and they continue to move, number of collisions is really low)

There are already quite a lot of alloys with really low resistivities, but reducing temperature further reduces the K.E. of electrons, leading to really really low resistance.

Below a limit called *critical temperature,* the resistance falls to zero suddenly. This is also explained by the Berdee-Cooper-Schrieffer Theory, which describes how the electron pairs flow through a material.

According to this theory, a pair of electrons bounded(not bonded),  bound at low temperatures in a certain manner, also called Cooper Pairs, are condensed, causing superconductivity here as a microscopic effect. Pair of electrons here means that both the electrons share the same energy state, and in a cooper pair, the electrons are arranged in such a way that their *net angular p is equal to zero*

However, *some vibrations still exists* in electrons, thanks to *Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle*, due to which we can neither find the exact position nor the exact momentum of a particle. If electrons won't move, it would mean that their momentum would be equal to zero, which contradicts the theory of *Mr. Hesienberg*.
Therefore p = 0 isn't possible for particles, the same goes for their position.

Another aspect of superconductivity, that is Meissner Effect deals with a superconductor rejecting the magnetic field of a magnet brought closer it, causing the Magnet to levitate --- forming the basis of MagLev trains

This basically happens because when a superconductor is placed in a magnetic field F and moved, current I starts flowing through the superconductor's surface due to induction. The current induced produces another magnetic field whose direction is exactly the opposite to the magnetic field produced by the magnet, therefore Causing repulsion of that magnet.

Now you know the Meissner's effect, the theory.

The superconductivity works in a really different manner. For example, superconductivity hasn't been observed for Copper, Silver, and Gold!

In ohm's law, while solving superconductivity problems, the R is taken to be zero, but vibrations do exist.

V = I*0
V/O = I = (infinity)

So without changing the voltage, we are able to achieve Infinite Current,

Remember this doesn't happen for normal materials and at normal temperatures. It requires superconductors or any alloy but present at its critical temperature.

This discovery of superconductivity at normal temperatures will help us, and our future generations to use superconductors as a part of nature itself, without lowering temperatures, without more artificial supplements!


Article by- ©Ojjas


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