Part-4 Faster than light travels and tachyons, in 26th dimensions series

Part 4 – Faster Than Light Travel & Tachyons

“The true logic of this world is in the calculus of probabilities.”
   —James Clerk Maxwell

Continued from the last article, we have seen that while putting velocity of our hypothetical(that is something that exists in assumptions and ideas) train equal to an integer multiple of speed of light, we got results like the following:

Where for an explanation to the complex number, we just mentioned the following three possibilities, which we will discuss one by one, so these are:

1.       Time goes back towards dilation

2.       Time anti-dilation?

3.       Reversing the arrow of time, or time-travel?

The first possibility says that maybe the time starts getting back to normal, but wait? Is this possible? Yes, it might be possible but it is very unlikely. Anyways, let see what we can do for this possibility. We can’t think of any analogy for this case but still lets see the next case and then we might come back to this case again where time might start getting back to normal, although this one is very unlikely to happen but still, nothing is strange to Quantum Mechanics.

The second possibility says that we might experience something called anti-time dilation. This term didn’t exist, so we just coined it in this article for ease. Recall that in time dilation, we observed that time appears to slow down when speed of a body becomes closer to that of speed of light. But after exceeding the speed of light, we don’t exactly know what happens, as we can’t do it experimentally. So, using our brain, we can try to consider the possibility in which something like anti-time dilation might happen in which time instead of slowing down, might speed up. But didn’t this already happen in our previous cases? Well, maybe yes. In our previous articles, we saw that if you are an observer on train then time did speed up for you with respect to an observer on ground. So, this possibility could be ruled out that way. Lets do a final check to see if there’s anything left in this possibility that we might consider. Well, if time starts speeding up and acquires a very faster rate, then we might experience what is called, time travelling into the future. Yes, but we are not talking about any portal or a wormhole, which might be discussed in the final articles of this series. 

Moving towards the third possibility, we have what is called reversing the time, or something that you might call time travelling into the past. Reversing the time reminds me Eye of Agamotto from Doctor Strange, anyways, lets switch our focus back to the topic. We might be able to experience time-reversal or time-travel to the past. Well, to be honest, this possibility is directly related to one of the unsolved questions in physics, that also includes the questions like, Arrow of time and Symmetry of time. So, we might separately discuss the unsolved problems in physics, but first we will finish this series.

You all know that these three might not be the only possible cases, but we only did discuss these three. Other than that we are considering another possibility that deals with the behavior of space-time fabric. But we didn’t discuss much about that, but still let’s say the fourth case includes some distortion or any other transformation of this fabric. So, this might give birth to topics like wormholes, singularities and other such things that has something to do with causing a great change to the fabric of space-time.

For the further discussion, we need to discuss the behavior of space-time again and also some terminology related to it. But before that we have the last thing left to discuss before this article comes to an end and that is tachyon.

A tachyon is a hypothetical particle that travels faster than that of speed of light. It is considered that when a tachyon travels, then it seems to have entered and departed in opposite directions.

So, we will end this article with this image as for further discussion, we need to deal with some concepts regarding space-time and also some relevant terminology.

Image Source: UniverseToday

©Ijaz VBT


  1. Wow I really liked this article. That was interesting.

  2. So , one thing I would like to say its complete nonsense stop leaving in your fantasies and please one or two equation is just a nonsense and there is no talk of Cherenkov radiation I hope you should talk about facts and logic in future because I have been working on this and I think u should be little practical and a fact base next time


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